Showing 25–36 of 117 results

Spasfon, Spasfon Lyoc 80 mg, 10

Spasmodic pain - Adults and children from 2 years old

Spasfon, Spasfon suppository, 10

Spasmodic pain, contractions - Adults

Spasfon, Spasfon tablet stomach ache, 30

Spasmodic pain - Adults and children from 6 years old

Sudocrem Barrier cream, 400 g BESTE, TEVA

Due to the content of zinc oxide, Sudocrem Expert has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.

Sudocrem Barrierecreme, 125 g, TEVA

Due to the content of zinc oxide, Sudocrem Expert has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.

Sudocrem Care & Protect, ointment, protection, 30 g, TEVA

Sudocrem Care & Protect is a protective ointment with a unique composition that guarantees a triple effect and was specially developed for skin prone to diaper rash.

Teva Almagel Oral Suspension for Heartburn Relief ,170ml-Алмагел перорална суспензия за облекчаване на киселини, 170 мл,Teva

Provides fast relief from heartburn — Teva Almagel Oral Suspension for Heartburn Relief, Protects the stomach lining — Teva Almagel Oral Suspension for Heartburn Relief, Neutralizes excess stomach acid — Teva Almagel Oral Suspension for Heartburn Relief, Supports normal digestion — Teva Almagel Oral Suspension for Heartburn Relief.

Teva Troxevasin Duo Gel -Teva Троксевазин дуо гел,45g

Swelling -Teva Troxevasin Duo Gel, Inflammation -Teva Troxevasin Duo Gel, Pain -Teva TroxevasinDuo Gel, Hemorrhage -Teva Troxevasin Duo Gel

Teva Acefein ,10-Ацефеин, 10,Teva

Pain relief for headaches - Teva Acefein 10 mg, Pain relief for toothaches - Teva Acefein 10 mg, Pain relief for muscle and joint pain - Teva Acefein 10 mg, Pain relief for menstrual pain - Teva Acefein 10 mg.

Teva ACEFEIN for migraine, headache, toothache and joint and muscle pain, tablets,10-Teva АЦЕФЕИН при мигрена, главоболие, зъбобол и ставно-мускулни болки табл,10

Fever Relief-Teva ACEFEIN for migraine, headache, toothache and joint and muscle pain, tablets, Pain Relief-Teva ACEFEIN for migraine, headache, toothache and joint and muscle pain, tablets, Nasal Congestion Relief-Teva ACEFEIN for migraine, headache, toothache and joint and muscle pain, tablets, Cold and Flu Relief-Teva ACEFEIN for migraine, headache, toothache and joint and muscle pain, tablets

Teva Acefein-Teva Ацефейн,10

Headache-Teva Acefein, Toothache-Teva Acefein, Muscle and joint pain-Teva Acefein, Fever-Teva Acefein

Teva Acetizal 500 mg -Teva Ацетизал 500 мг,20

Pain -Teva Acetizal 500 mg, Heat -Teva Acetizal 500 mg, Inflammation-Teva Acetizal 500 mg, Fever -Teva Acetizal 500 mg