Showing 49–60 of 117 results

Teva Benalgin Rapid -Teva Беналгин Рапид ,10

Headache-Teva Benalgin Rapid, Toothache-Teva Benalgin Rapid, Muscle and joint pain-Teva Benalgin Rapid, Fever-Teva Benalgin Rapid

Teva Benalgin Rapid 500mg,10-Беналгин Рапид 500мг,10,Teva

Pain relief – Teva Benalgin Rapid 500mg, Fever reduction – Teva Benalgin Rapid 500mg, Anti-inflammatory action – Teva Benalgin Rapid 500mg, Reduces spasms – Teva Benalgin Rapid 500mg

Teva Bisalax 5mg,30-Бисалакс 5 мг,30,Teva

Provides gentle laxative action — Teva Bisalax 5mg, Helps with constipation — Teva Bisalax 5mg, Stimulates bowel peristalsis — Teva Bisalax 5mg, Provides fast relief from constipation — Teva Bisalax 5mg.

TEVA BISALAX Anti-constipation tab. 5mg,3-БИЗАЛАКС Против запек табл. 5мг,3-TEVA

Constipation - TEVA BISALAX Anti-constipation tab. 5mg, Irregular stool - TEVA BISALAX Anti-constipation tab. 5mg, Delayed stool - TEVA BISALAX Anti-constipation tab. 5mg, Intestinal overload - TEVA BISALAX Anti-constipation tab. 5mg

Teva Bizalax 5 mg-Teva Бизалакс 5 мг,30

Constipation -Teva Bizalax 5 mg, Difficulty with defecation -Teva Bizalax 5 mg, Preparing for examinations-Teva Bizalax 5 mg, Stool disorders during diets-Teva Bizalax 5 mg

Teva Bronchetamin Syrup,200ml-Бронхетамин сироп, 200мл,Teva

Relieving dry and wet coughs – Teva Bronchetamin Syrup, Thinning and clearing mucus – Teva Bronchetamin Syrup, Reducing inflammation in the airways – Teva Bronchetamin Syrup, Easing breathing during colds and bronchitis – Teva Bronchetamin Syrup

Teva Bronhetamine Cough syrup -Teva Бронхетамин Сироп за кашлица,200ml

Colds and flu -Teva Bronhetamine Cough syrup, Dry cough -Teva Bronhetamine Cough syrup, Bronchitis-Teva Bronhetamine Cough syrup, Respiratory spasms-Teva Bronhetamine Cough syrup

Teva CitroVit Vitamin C + Zinc-Teva ЦитроВит витамин С + цинк,20

Weakened immunity -Teva CitroVit Vitamin C + Zinc, Infections and colds -Teva CitroVit Vitamin C + Zinc, Vitamin and mineral deficiencies -Teva CitroVit Vitamin C + Zinc, Slow healing -Teva CitroVit Vitamin C + Zinc

Teva CitroVit Vitamin C 100 mg -Teva ЦитроВит Витамин С 100 mg,40

Weakened immunity -Teva CitroVit Vitamin C 100 mg , Fatigue -Teva CitroVit Vitamin C 100 mg , Antioxidant protection -Teva CitroVit Vitamin C 100 mg , Poor skin condition -Teva CitroVit Vitamin C 100 mg

Teva Citrovit Vitamin C 100mg,40-Цитровит витамин C 100mg,40,Teva

Immune system support and cold prevention - Teva Citrovit Vitamin C 100mg, Strengthening blood vessels and improving circulation - Teva Citrovit Vitamin C 100mg, Antioxidant protection of cells against oxidative stress - Teva Citrovit Vitamin C 100mg, Stimulating collagen production for skin health - Teva Citrovit Vitamin C 100mg.

Teva Citrovit Vitamin C 100mg,80-Цитровит витамин C 100mg,80,Teva

Immune system support and cold prevention - Teva Citrovit Vitamin C 100mg, Strengthening blood vessels and improving circulation - Teva Citrovit Vitamin C 100mg, Antioxidant protection of cells against oxidative stress - Teva Citrovit Vitamin C 100mg, Stimulating collagen production for skin health - Teva Citrovit Vitamin C 100mg.

Teva Citrovit Vitamin C 500 mg,20-Цитровит Витамин С 500 mg,20,Teva

Immune system support and boosting the body’s resistance - Teva Citrovit Vitamin C 500mg, Strengthening blood vessel walls and improving skin condition - Teva Citrovit Vitamin C 500mg, Reducing fatigue and boosting energy - Teva Citrovit Vitamin C 500mg, Protecting cells from oxidative stress and free radicals - Teva Citrovit Vitamin C 500mg.