Showing 61–72 of 117 results

Teva Efizol – Teva Ефизол ,20

Sore throat -Teva Efizol, Mouth and throat infections-Teva Efizol, Cough -Teva Efizol, Dry mouth-Teva Efizol

Teva Efizol – Teva Ефизол ,40

Sore throat -Teva Efizol, Mouth and throat infections-Teva Efizol, Cough -Teva Efizol, Dry mouth-Teva Efizol

Teva Efizol Lozenges,20-Ефизол таблетки за смучене,20,Teva

Pain relief for sore throat - Teva Efizol Lozenges, Reducing inflammation and irritation in the throat - Teva Efizol Lozenges, Soothing cough and discomfort in the airways - Teva Efizol Lozenges, Disinfecting and improving the condition of the throat mucosa - Teva Efizol Lozenges.

Teva Efizol Lozenges,40-Ефизол таблетки за смучене,40,Teva

Pain relief for sore throat - Teva Efizol Lozenges, Reducing inflammation and irritation in the throat - Teva Efizol Lozenges, Soothing cough and discomfort in the airways - Teva Efizol Lozenges, Disinfecting and improving the condition of the throat mucosa - Teva Efizol Lozenges.

Teva Gastrocid 20 mg -Teva Гастроцид 20 мг,14

Heartburn -Teva Gastrocid 20 mg, Gastritis -Teva Gastrocid 20 mg, Stomach and duodenal ulcers -Teva Gastrocid 20 mg, Reflux-Teva Gastrocid 20 mg

Teva Geritamin ,20-Геритамин, 20,Teva

Supports overall energy levels and vitality — Teva Geritamin, Enriches the body with vitamins and minerals — Teva Geritamin, Supports normal immune system function — Teva Geritamin, Helps improve metabolism and overall tone — Teva Geritamin.

Teva Geritamin Hyaluron-Teva Геритамин Хиалурон,30

Dry skin-Teva Geritamin Hyaluron, Age-related changes-Teva Geritamin Hyaluron, Slow regeneration-Teva Geritamin Hyaluron, Deterioration of joint mobility-Teva Geritamin Hyaluron

Teva Geritamin Hyaluron-Teva Геритамин Хиалурон,60

Dry skin -Teva Geritamin Hyaluron, Wrinkles and age-related changes -Teva Geritamin Hyaluron, Slow regeneration -Teva Geritamin Hyaluron, Joint problems -Teva Geritamin Hyaluron

Teva Geritamin Vitamins A + E -Teva Geritamin Витамини A + E,20

Skin and hair health-Teva Geritamin Vitamins A + E, Vision-Teva Geritamin Vitamins A + E, Immunity-Teva Geritamin Vitamins A + E, Antioxidant protection-Teva Geritamin Vitamins A + E

Teva Ibudolor Duo Gel – Teva Ибудолор Дуо Гел,60g

Pain -Teva Ibudolor Duo Ge, Inflammation -Teva Ibudolor Duo Ge, Swelling -Teva Ibudolor Duo Ge, Rigidity-Teva Ibudolor Duo Ge

Teva Infacol -Teva Инфакол,50ml

Colic in infants-Teva Infacol , Bloat-Teva Infacol, Difficulty passing gas-Teva Infacol, Discomfort in lives-Teva Infacol

Teva Infacol Drops,50ml-Инф,акол Капки,50мл,Teva

Colic in infants – Teva Infacol Drops, Excessive gas and bloating – Teva Infacol Drops, Painful abdominal cramps – Teva Infacol Drops, Exacerbation of digestive disorders – Teva Infacol Drops