Showing 1–12 of 192 results

Abo Pharma Lichensed Lozenges,16

Pain relief for throat inflammation - Abo Pharma Lichensed Lozenges, Soothing effect for throat irritation - Abo Pharma Lichensed Lozenges, Protection of the throat mucosa - Abo Pharma Lichensed Lozenges, Support in combating colds and throat inflammations - Abo Pharma Lichensed Lozenges.

Aboca ,neoBianacid 15

neoBianacid protects the mucous membrane and fights heartburn.

ABOCA GRINTUS lozenges for dry and wet cough in adults ,20-ГРИНТУС таблетки за смучене за суха и влажна кашлица при възрастни,20-ABOCA

Cough exacerbation – ABOCA GRINTUS® Lozenges for Dry and Wet Cough in Adults, Improvement of expectoration – ABOCA GRINTUS® Lozenges for Dry and Wet Cough in Adults, Sore throat relief – ABOCA GRINTUS® Lozenges for Dry and Wet Cough in Adults, Soothing of respiratory inflammation – ABOCA GRINTUS® Lozenges for Dry and Wet Cough in Adults.

ACTIVLAB, Eminis, 30

ACTIVLAB Eminis ingredients will help maintain a healthy bacterial flora of the upper respiratory tract (ear, nose, throat).

Adamed,Cardiamide with caffeine, citrus flavor, Cardiamid z kofeiną, smak cytrusowy, 8

Caffeinated Cardiamide is a dietary supplement that contains ingredients that help reduce feelings of tiredness and tiredness.

Adamed,Cardiamide with caffeine, cola flavor,Cardiamid z kofeiną, smak coli, 8

Caffeinated Cardiamide is a dietary supplement containing caffeine, which helps improve mental performance and concentration.

Aflofarm ,Lokomotiv 6

Lokomotiv is a proven and safe solution that allows you to travel with good health.

Aflofarm ,Rutinacea Junior 20

Rutinacea Junior is a dietary supplement containing vitamin C and zinc, which affect the immune system.

Aflofarm,Asecurin Immuno for children ,Asecurin Immuno dla dzieci 30

Asecurin Immuno for children is a dietary supplement in the form of lozenges containing a strain of probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (ATCC 53103), rutoside, selenium, zinc and vitamins D and C.

Aflofarm,Detusan 24

Detusan protects the mucous membrane of the throat and relieves dry mouth, helps restore the balance of the mucous membrane of the throat, soothing cough.

Aflofarm,Envil Throat (Envix) ,Envil Gardło (Envix) 20

Envil Gardło lozenges for use in inflammation of the throat and oral cavity, and as an aid in the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections with sore throat and tonsillitis (sore throat).

Aflofarm,Meliska , Meliski, 18

Melissa is a dietary supplement containing, among other things: lemon balm and hops, which help relieve stress, nervous tension and relaxation.