Showing 1–12 of 183 results

(DE)Baby shampoo and lotion 2in1 200ml, Paediprotect

2in1 shampoo and cleansing lotion gently cleanses the skin and hair with very mild washing substances of plant origin.

Abbate Gualtiero active detskin – antifungal shower, detskin attivo – doccia antimicotico 500 ml Abbate Gualtiero

Abbate Gualtiero active detskin 500 ml dermatological cleanser with antifungal and antibacterial action.

ACM Sedakalm Soothing shampoo for itchy scalp 200ml,ACM Седакалм Успокояващ шампоан при сърбеж в скалпа ,200ml

for itchy scalp-ACM Sedakalm Soothing shampoo for itchy scalp 200ml,hair soft-ACM Sedakalm Soothing shampoo for itchy scalp 200ml,shiny-ACM Sedakalm Soothing shampoo for itchy scalp 200ml,easy to comb-ACM Sedakalm Soothing shampoo for itchy scalp 200ml

Aflofarm, Dx2 P/Dandruff.For Men , Dx2 P/Łupież.Dla Mężczyzn 150ml

Shampoo for men DX2 combines anti-dandruff action while strengthening hair prone to hair loss.

Aflofarm,Zoxin-med Medicated anti-dandruff ,Zoxin-med leczniczy przeciwłupieżowy 60ml

Zoxin-med is a drug intended for topical use on the skin, in the form of a medicinal shampoo, containing ketoconazole, which has an antifungal effect.

ALLERGIKA Gentle shampoo for sensitive scalp, Łagodny szampon wrażliwa skóra głowy 200ml ALLERGIKA

ALLERGIKA Gentle shampoo for sensitive scalp 200ml gently cleanses the skin, does not irritate the scalp and reduces itching and inflammation.

Alpecin Grey Attack Caffeine & Colour Shampoo,200ml-Шампоан Сива атака Кофеин и цвят, 200 мл,Alpecin

Grey hair coverage - Alpecin Grey Attack Caffeine & Colour Shampoo, Hair strengthening - Alpecin Grey Attack Caffeine & Colour Shampoo, Hair growth stimulation - Alpecin Grey Attack Caffeine & Colour Shampoo, Color refresh and hair care - Alpecin Grey Attack Caffeine & Colour Shampoo

Alpecin, Grey Attack Caffeine & Color 2 x 200 ml Alpecin

Alpecin Grey Attack Coffein & Color against grey hair with repigmentation technology, protects against premature hair loss, supplying hair roots with growth energy.

Alpecin, Grey Attack MAX Caffeine & Color 200 ml Alpecin

Alpecin Grey Attack MAX Coffein & Color against grey hair for men, gradually and permanently repigments grey hair, strengthens hair at the roots, making it younger and more vibrant.