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MIP Lactulose MIP ,200ml-Лактулоза MIP, 200 мл,MIP

Constipation – MIP Lactulose MIP, Digestive issues – MIP Lactulose MIP, Body detoxification – MIP Lactulose MIP, Gut function disorders – MIP Lactulose MIP

MIP Lactulose MIP ,500ml-Лактулоза MIP, 500 мл,MIP

Constipation – MIP Lactulose MIP, Digestive issues – MIP Lactulose MIP, Body detoxification – MIP Lactulose MIP, Gut function disorders – MIP Lactulose MIP

MIP LACTULOSE MIP against constipation and irregular stomach syrup, 500ml-ЛАКТУЛОЗА МИП против запек и нередовен стомах сироп ,500мл,MIP

Constipation and irregular stool - MIP LACTULOSE MIP against constipation and irregular stomach syrup, Slow bowel function - MIP LACTULOSE MIP against constipation and irregular stomach syrup, Constipation in adults - MIP LACTULOSE MIP against constipation and irregular stomach syrup, Intestinal overload - MIP LACTULOSE MIP against constipation and irregular stomach syrup