Showing 1–12 of 35 results

Sandoz Dermazin Cream,50g-Дермазин крем,50гр,Sandoz

Treating skin infections and burns — Sandoz Dermazin Cream, Protection from bacterial infections in wounds — Sandoz Dermazin Cream, Accelerating healing of burns and cuts — Sandoz Dermazin Cream, Disinfecting damaged areas of the skin — Sandoz Dermazin Cream.

SANDOZ LINEX 3 COMPLEX Probiotic formula caps.,14-ЛИНЕКС 3 КОМПЛЕКС Пробиотична формула капс. ,14,SANDOZ

Déséquilibre de la microflore intestinale - SANDOZ LINEX 3 COMPLEX Probiotic formula caps., Dysbiose - SANDOZ LINEX 3 COMPLEX Probiotic formula caps., Troubles digestifs - SANDOZ LINEX 3 COMPLEX Probiotic formula caps., Réduction de la défense immunitaire - SANDOZ LINEX 3 COMPLEX Probiotic formula caps.

Sandoz ACC 200 mg,20-АЦЦ 200 мг, 20,Sandoz

Helps thin mucus and ease breathing — Sandoz ACC 200 mg, Used for respiratory diseases accompanied by cough — Sandoz ACC 200 mg, Helps improve mucus clearance — Sandoz ACC 200 mg, Has antioxidant properties — Sandoz ACC 200 mg.

Sandoz ACC 600 mg Effervescent Tablets,10-АЦЦ 600 mg ефервесцентни таблетки,10,Sandoz

Thinning and clearing mucus – Sandoz ACC 600 mg Effervescent Tablets, Relieving cough from bronchitis and colds – Sandoz ACC 600 mg Effervescent Tablets, Clearing the respiratory tract – Sandoz ACC 600 mg Effervescent Tablets, Reducing inflammation in the lungs and bronchi – Sandoz ACC 600 mg Effervescent Tablets

Sandoz ACC Acute 600mg,10-ACC остър 600 мг,10,Sandoz

Thinning and clearing mucus – Sandoz ACC Acute 600 mg, Relieving cough in acute respiratory diseases – Sandoz ACC Acute 600 mg, Clearing the respiratory tract – Sandoz ACC Acute 600 mg, Reducing inflammation in the lungs and bronchi – Sandoz ACC Acute 600 mg

Sandoz ACC Direct 600 mg,10-АЦЦ Директ 600 mg,10,Sandoz

Thinning and clearing mucus – Sandoz ACC Direct 600 mg, Relieving productive cough – Sandoz ACC Direct 600 mg, Clearing the respiratory tract – Sandoz ACC Direct 600 mg, Reducing inflammation in the lungs and bronchi – Sandoz ACC Direct 600 mg

Sandoz ACC Syrup,100ml-АЦЦ Сироп, 100мл,Sandoz

Thinning and clearing mucus – Sandoz ACC Syrup, Relieving cough in respiratory diseases – Sandoz ACC Syrup, Clearing the respiratory tract – Sandoz ACC Syrup, Reducing inflammation in the lungs and bronchi – Sandoz ACC Syrup

Sandoz Acic 5% ,2g

Treatment of herpes – Sandoz Acic 5%, Reduction of inflammation – Sandoz Acic 5%, Pain relief for herpes outbreaks – Sandoz Acic 5%, Faster healing of skin lesions – Sandoz Acic 5%

Sandoz Angal Lozenges Honey ,24-Ангал таблетки за смучене мед , 24,Sandoz

Pain relief for inflammation – Sandoz Angal, Reducing fever and temperature – Sandoz Angal, Pain relief for joint and muscle pain – Sandoz Angal, Reducing swelling from injuries and inflammation – Sandoz Angal

Sandoz Angal Lozenges Lemon ,24-Ангал таблетки за смучене лимон, 24,Sandoz

Pain relief for inflammation – Sandoz Angal, Reducing fever and temperature – Sandoz Angal, Pain relief for joint and muscle pain – Sandoz Angal, Reducing swelling from injuries and inflammation – Sandoz Angal

Sandoz Angal Lozenges Mint ,24-Ангал таблетки за смучене Мента , 24,Sandoz

Pain relief for inflammation – Sandoz Angal, Reducing fever and temperature – Sandoz Angal, Pain relief for joint and muscle pain – Sandoz Angal, Reducing swelling from injuries and inflammation – Sandoz Angal

Sandoz Angal Lozenges Strowbarry ,24-Ангал таблетки за смучене Ягода , 24,Sandoz

Pain relief for inflammation – Sandoz Angal, Reducing fever and temperature – Sandoz Angal, Pain relief for joint and muscle pain – Sandoz Angal, Reducing swelling from injuries and inflammation – Sandoz Angal