Showing 25–35 of 35 results

Sandoz Hexalgin Oral Drops 500mg/ml,20ml-Хексалгин орални капки 500 mg/ml, 20 ml,Sandoz

Relieves headaches, toothaches, and muscle pain - Sandoz Hexalgin Oral Drops 500mg/ml, Reduces high body temperature - Sandoz Hexalgin Oral Drops 500mg/ml, Has an anti-inflammatory effect - Sandoz Hexalgin Oral Drops 500mg/ml, Eases cold and flu symptoms - Sandoz Hexalgin Oral Drops 500mg/ml.

Sandoz Lekadol Complex (Ibuprofen 200mg/Paracetamol 500mg),10-Лекадол Комплекс (Ибупрофен 200мг/Парацетамол 500мг),10,Sandoz

Provides comprehensive pain relief (Ibuprofen 200mg/Paracetamol 500mg) — Sandoz Lekadol Complex, Reduces fever and alleviates cold symptoms — Sandoz Lekadol Complex, Decreases inflammation and pain — Sandoz Lekadol Complex, Offers fast and long-lasting relief — Sandoz Lekadol Complex.

SANDOZ LINEX BABY for normal intestinal flora in children and infants drops, 8ml-ЛИНЕКС БЕБЕ за нормална чревна флора при деца и кърмачета капки, 8мл,SANDOZ

Imbalance of intestinal microflora in children - SANDOZ LINEX BABY for normal intestinal flora in children and infants drops, Dysbiosis in children - SANDOZ LINEX BABY for normal intestinal flora in children and infants drops, Digestive disorders in children - SANDOZ LINEX BABY for normal intestinal flora in children and infants drops, Reduced immune defense in children - SANDOZ LINEX BABY for normal intestinal flora in children and infants drops

Sandoz Linex Complex Capsules,14-Линекс комплекс капсули,14,Sandoz

Intestinal dysbiosis – Sandoz Linex, Digestive disorders – Sandoz Linex, Bloating and flatulence – Sandoz Linex, Diarrhea due to microbiota imbalance – Sandoz Linex

SANDOZ LINEX FOR CHILDREN for normal intestinal flora in children and infants sachets ,20-ЛИНЕКС ЗА ДЕЦА за нормална чревна флора при деца и кърмачета сашета, 20,SANDOZ

Imbalance of intestinal microflora in children - SANDOZ LINEX FOR CHILDREN for normal intestinal flora in children and infants sachets, Dysbiosis in children - SANDOZ LINEX FOR CHILDREN for normal intestinal flora in children and infants sachets, Digestive disorders in children - SANDOZ LINEX FOR CHILDREN for normal intestinal flora in children and infants sachets, Reduced immune defense in children - SANDOZ LINEX FOR CHILDREN for normal intestinal flora in children and infants sachets

Sandoz Linex Forte Capsules,14-Линекс Форте капсули,14,Sandoz

Intestinal dysbiosis – Sandoz Linex, Digestive disorders – Sandoz Linex, Bloating and flatulence – Sandoz Linex, Diarrhea due to microbiota imbalance – Sandoz Linex

Sandoz Linex Gastro Capsules,16-Линекс Гастро Капсули,16,Sandoz

Intestinal dysbiosis – Sandoz Linex, Digestive disorders – Sandoz Linex, Bloating and flatulence – Sandoz Linex, Diarrhea due to microbiota imbalance – Sandoz Linex

SANDOZ LINEX GASTRO for normal intestinal flora capsules,16-ЛИНЕКС ГАСТРО за нормална чревна флора капсули ,16,SANDOZ

Imbalance of intestinal microflora - SANDOZ LINEX GASTRO for normal intestinal flora capsules, Dysbiosis - SANDOZ LINEX GASTRO for normal intestinal flora capsules, Digestive disorders - SANDOZ LINEX GASTRO for normal intestinal flora capsules, Reduced immune defense - SANDOZ LINEX GASTRO for normal intestinal flora capsules

Sandoz Lopedium 2 mg Capsules ,10-Лопедиум 2 mg капсули ,10,Sandoz

Acute diarrhea – Sandoz Lopedium 2 mg Capsules, Chronic diarrhea – Sandoz Lopedium 2 mg Capsules, Reduction of stool frequency – Sandoz Lopedium 2 mg Capsules, Dehydration due to diarrhea – Sandoz Lopedium 2 mg Capsules

Sandoz MomaNose Nasal Spray,50mcg-Спрей за нос MomaNose, 50mcg,Sandoz

Relieves symptoms of allergic rhinitis — Sandoz MomaNose Nasal Spray, Reduces inflammation in the nasal passages — Sandoz MomaNose Nasal Spray, Soothes irritation of the nasal mucosa — Sandoz MomaNose Nasal Spray, Provides long-lasting relief from nasal congestion — Sandoz MomaNose Nasal Spray.

Sandoz, Ketonal 50 mg, 20-Сандоз, Кетонал 50 мг, 20

Pain Relief from Arthritis- Sandoz, Ketonal 50 mg, 20, Muscle Pain-Sandoz, Ketonal 50 mg, 20, Post-surgery Pain-Sandoz, Ketonal 50 mg, 20, Inflammation-Related Pain-Sandoz, Ketonal 50 mg, 20