Showing 1–12 of 38 results
Friolgrip ,10,Friolgrip ,10
Paracetamax Express 500mg, 20
Teva Almagel Oral Suspension for Heartburn Relief ,170ml-Алмагел перорална суспензия за облекчаване на киселини, 170 мл,Teva
Provides fast relief from heartburn — Teva Almagel Oral Suspension for Heartburn Relief,
Protects the stomach lining — Teva Almagel Oral Suspension for Heartburn Relief,
Neutralizes excess stomach acid — Teva Almagel Oral Suspension for Heartburn Relief,
Supports normal digestion — Teva Almagel Oral Suspension for Heartburn Relief.
Teva ACEFEIN for migraine, headache, toothache and joint and muscle pain, tablets,10-Teva АЦЕФЕИН при мигрена, главоболие, зъбобол и ставно-мускулни болки табл,10
Fever Relief-Teva ACEFEIN for migraine, headache, toothache and joint and muscle pain, tablets,
Pain Relief-Teva ACEFEIN for migraine, headache, toothache and joint and muscle pain, tablets,
Nasal Congestion Relief-Teva ACEFEIN for migraine, headache, toothache and joint and muscle pain, tablets,
Cold and Flu Relief-Teva ACEFEIN for migraine, headache, toothache and joint and muscle pain, tablets
Teva Acetysal 500mg ,20-Ацетизал 500 mg ,20,Teva
Prevention of thrombus formation (thrombus prevention) - Teva Acetysal 500mg,
Reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases (e.g., heart attack) - Teva Acetysal 500mg,
Improving blood circulation - Teva Acetysal 500mg,
Exacerbations of arterial hypertension (as an adjunct therapy) - Teva Acetysal 500mg.
Teva Acetysal Cardio 75mg,100-Ацетизал кардио 75 mg, 100,Teva
Prevention of thrombus formation (thrombus prevention) - Teva Acetysal Cardio 75mg,
Reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases (e.g., heart attack) - Teva Acetysal Cardio 75mg,
Improving blood circulation - Teva Acetysal Cardio 75mg,
Exacerbations of arterial hypertension (as an adjunct therapy) - Teva Acetysal Cardio 75mg.